Jambo Kenya!

Galana River Primary School

(Primary school)

The school building is a project that was started in 2014 by Markus and Birgit Dietz.

In 2021, a separate association was founded, the "Galana River School Project e.V.", to take the project further forward.

So far, the project has been supported by private donations, the association "Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V", the company "s'badsiche Backheisle" and many others.

All our current donors can be found on the link list (as far as this was requested)

You too can help - now!

Every euro you donate goes directly to the Mwanza community and is used for school and humanitarian purposes.

All people on site or at home work voluntarily and contribute themselves and their money to the project!

Pain therapy for 12-year-old Haji Hassan

Pain therapy for 12-year-old Haji Hassan

Pain therapy for 12-year-old Hassan - 500 euros are needed 12-year-old Haji Hassan is suffering from cancer. We have all only known this for a few weeks. He will not survive, because treatment would only be possible in South Africa or Europe .... If we...

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Hunger is deadlier than Corona

Hunger is deadlier than Corona

all those who have enough nutritional possibilities may be grateful for it...Why should one worry about Corona, incidence values, lockdown, compulsory vaccinations .... When there is still hunger,water is drunk from the river,diseases such as...

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Arrival of the water pumps for field irrigation

Arrival of the water pumps for field irrigation

The two new water pumps have arrived! Today was a good day, because the purchased and modified water pumps have been delivered. A first test run at least of the diesel engine was successful as you can see:Both water pumps are in the village...

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